3 Tips For Dealing With Snow and Ice On Turf
Having turf is an excellent idea, but just as you have to be careful with regular grass during the winter months, you need to be careful with turf as well. This is especially true when it snows and ice forms. Here are three great tips for dealing with snow and ice on turf.

Don’t Walk On Frozen Turf
One way that you can deal with snow and ice on your turf is to avoid walking on your turf when it is frozen. If you happen to walk on frozen turf, this can cause it to break off and become damaged. However, if you stay off the frozen turf and allow it to thaw out naturally, you can avoid any damage to your turf and use it again when it thaws out.
Don’t Let Snow Compact
Another great tip for dealing with snow and ice on turf is to avoid letting the snow compact. It is okay for you to walk on a moderate amount of snow on your turf, but you run into issues when this snow begins to compact. This is an issue because the snow begins to compact and the bottom layer can turn to ice. This can then cause your turf to break down and break off.
Do Not Use Salt
Lastly, it is very important that you don’t use salt to melt the snow and ice that are on your turf. This is very important because the salt particles can clog the holes in the turf and cause drainage issues when spring and summer come. Instead, it is better to let the snow melt naturally as the weather warms up.
To learn more great tips for dealing with snow and ice on turf, or to get your artificial turf today, visit us at All American Turf Solutions.